Banknote is the bank of the year according to The Banker, do users agree?

Banks in Mexico are not exactly an example of customer service. Official figures show that during the first half of 2019, 34 banks registered monetary claims in Mexico. Meanwhile, between January and June 2020, the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Confused) received a total of 3,171,000 claims against banks.

The amount claimed by bank users amounted to a total of 14 thousand 237 million pesos and the main reason is fraud, with seven out of 10 complaints to financial entities, for a total of two million 287 thousand 22 claims Indonesia Email List. The figures also indicate that Banknote, Stander and Citibank are the main banks with the highest number of claims, followed by BBVA, Bancorp, HSBC and Bacon Aztecs. However, for The Banker Banknote is the “Bank of the Year 2020, Mexico” for its profitability and results.

According to the firm, they deserve recognition for the development of digital channels and the growth of their self-service processes, in line with their commitment to transform banking for the benefit of their customers. To be precise, they indicated that the growth in various of their digital transactions of 2 to 3 digits so far this year, especially through their mobile application Banknote Vilma, with which it has been possible to reduce the volume of transactions that it is carried out in the branches less than 4 percent of the total.

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This year, the judges granting the recognition have placed special emphasis on banks that have taken the lead in meeting the needs of their clients and that have maintained resilience in the face of contingency.

The Banker, the most important specialized publication for international banking, annually awards this award, considered a standard of excellence. The Bank of the Year distinction recognizes the ability of its winners to generate benefits for their clients, obtain competitive advantages and serve the markets in which they operate.

Marcos Ramirez Miguel, General Director of Group Financier Banknote, commented: “From Banknote we thank The Banker for this recognition mobile lead. We have worked very hard to strengthen our digital tools to be closer to our clients. We will continue to honor our slogan of being the Strong Bank of Mexico ”.

However, the Confused numbers are different. From January to June, Banknote was the bank with the highest number of complaints, with a total of 587 thousand 566 complaints, followed by Sanders with 576 thousand 978 and Citibank in third place with a total of 490 thousand 821 complaints, this before the largest level of transaction they have. Meanwhile, BBVA Mexico added 346 thousand 759 claims, Bancorp 297 thousand and HSBC 233 thousand 381.

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