Telegram is ahead of WhatsApp in the fight for security with this new measure

WhatsApp gained 3 million followers this month when Facebook had a worldwide failure. WhatsApp is the leading brand in the messaging application market, followed by Facebook Messenger and WeChat. WhatsApp gained 3 million followers this month when Facebook had a worldwide failure. Read: The best thing that could happen to the market Cambodia Mobile Database is personalization and these 5 paths lead you to it. Security is a priority issue in digital. For messaging applications, it is even more important because the information that is sent can be sensitive for users.WhatsApp has a privileged place in the preference of users in countries like Mexico, where according to the survey

“How do Mexicans use WhatsApp? 2019 Study ”of Applied Political Communication, specifically 17.37 percent spend more than six hours on average in chat. In the world, the trend is similar, We Are Social and Kepios placed WhatsApp as the leading brand in the messaging application market, followed by Facebook Messenger and WeChat .As a leader in its segment, the app has the responsibility of managing a greater number of accounts, and therefore, its control Brother Cell Phone List and protection are more complicated, but it must be up to the demands, so there is no valid pretext. However, its competitors are willing to invest large amounts of tangible and intangible resources, to be ahead of this app in security and therefore firms such as YEO (Your Eye Only) emerge, whose brand differentiator is precisely that it incorporates facial recognition as an extra layer of security to the common ones.

But her second in command, Telegram, is not willing to give scope to other apps to reach the top before her and decided to apply a new measure also aimed at users’ control of their own application security. It consists of that from its latest version, available on iOS, Android, and on the web, you can delete messages for all participants in the chats. That is, you can not only delete a message or conversation unilaterally, regardless of who sent it, or when you can delete entire conversations. The test had already been done with a 48-hour window in which you could delete your own sent messages, both on the source device and for the other, but now the time limit has been removed and the entire history can be deleted chat of a device and anyone else who has participated in it.

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